If you have studied the evolution of Christianity, you may already know the seven major Christian denominations: Anglican / Episcopal, Assembly of God, Baptist, Lutheran, Methodist, Presbyterian, and Roman Catholic. While the various types of Christianity share some basic beliefs,
End Times Prophecies of the Bible
Are we living in the end times? How can you know for sure? Here are 19 signs, straight from the Bible, that show how close we are to the end of this age. Is it Possible to Know the End
Knights Templar
The Knights Templar was a large organization of devout Christians during the medieval era who carried out an important mission: to protect European travelers visiting sites in the Holy Land while also carrying out military operations. A wealthy, powerful and
The Twelve Tribes of Israel
The Twelve Tribes of Israel refer to the sons of the Jewish Patriarch Jacob and are important for the tribal lineages of those who constituted the nation of Israel. In the ancient world, all ethnic groups developed stories of their