
People form Various Professions

Industries Served

We have search packages for Childcare, Construction / Manufacturing, Domestic Services, Educational Institutions, Financial Services, Healthcare, Hotels and Hospitality, Gaming, Landlords, Non-Profits, Pre-Employment Screening, Retail Sales, Subcontractors/Suppliers/Vendors, Transportation and many more.

Employment Application

Pre-Employment Screening

Hire the right people, for the right jobs, at the right time! A pre-employment background check can save you from lost productivity, material theft, training losses, liability costs, criminal operations, and a damaged reputation. Help keep your workplace safe.

Happy Family in front of House for Sale

Tenant Screening

Accurate and affordable tenant screening is fast and easy! Before you rent get our comprehensive reports to verify the applicant’s credit, identity, and criminal background. Your decisions are only as good as the data behind them. Make better rental decisions with a tenant screening report!

We Protect Your Business

Who you trust is important. A good employee contributes to productivity, safety in the workplace, positive attitude among the workforce, solid relations with customers and partners, and security of intellectual property, inventory, and cash. Your first line of defense is a comprehensive, professionally designed background check. Let us show you how easy and inexpensive it is to implement a background check program.

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Get the Facts

The Facts Help You Guide Your Business to Success...
Let the Facts Protect You From Disaster

  • Almost 1/3 of all business failures are caused by employee theft
  • It costs between $7000 and $40,000 to replace an employee
  • On-the-job violence costs employers $36 billion each year
  • 1/3 of all application forms contain outright lies about crucial information
  • In the United States, over half of all new hires don't work out


The Buck Stops with You

As an employer or as a human resources professional, you have to make vital decisions about potential or current employees in a limited amount of time. You may also have to comply with a bewildering variety of state and federal regulations regarding safety and privacy. And you have a business to run!

Precision Background Screening Can Help

Our computerized search packages are customized by industry and further refined to meet your needs. They are fast, accurate, discreet, and cost effective, with access to billions of records through hundreds of thousands of databases in 50 states and 200 countries. They can even be performed by you or your representative on our state-of-the-art web search interface, saving you time when you need the facts fast.

Here's one last fact...
Knowing the truth before an employee becomes a problem can save you from:

  • Lost productivity
  • Damaged reputation
  • Material theft
  • Criminal operations
  • Liability costs
  • Training losses